Words can inspire us and encourage us to take action. Good copy is a powerful tool but bad copy gets people talking about you for all the wrong reasons (although examples of terrible copy makes for highly amusing social media posts).
I’m skilled at writing persuasive copy that hits the mark. And when messages hit the mark, they sell, they motivate, they make us feel and behave differently. I’ll never tell the reader you’re the best in the world but leave them wondering why; I’ll show the reader why you’re great, what makes you stand out and why they should come on a journey with you
Content creation
The idea of giving customers useful or entertaining stuff for free has been around for decades. It’s only in recent years we’ve given it a name: content. Content that sticks around and moves beyond your marketing messages is an opportunity for you to show who you are and what you stand for. It creates a space where your customers can get to know you better and grow to love what you do.
With a background in consumer magazines, I have years of experience in finding fresh ways to reach audiences. We all love stories, we all want to feel informed, enlightened and entertained. Content marketing touches on these very human desires, all the while building a picture of your brand.
Editorial services
Everyone needs an editor. A first draft is just the beginning. A background in book and magazine publishing has honed my skills in telling stories that people want to read. That same expertise comes in handy when I’m working on projects of all lengths and types, from books and magazines to social media campaigns.
Proofreading comes as standard. I have a fine selection of red pens and a large dictionary for this very task. I’m clued up when it comes to marketing regulations and media law, so you can be sure your copy is as watertight as it is beautiful.
Sitting in front of a blank screen with a copy deadline approaching is pretty miserable. Even if you’re not composing every message for your organisation, understanding the basics will enable you to write efficiently and effectively. On top of that, knowing how to use a well placed comma can make all the difference, in some cases it can even save your bacon – you can read about how poor punctuation cost a company millions of dollars here.
I run bespoke training courses for writers as well as for non-writers who begrudgingly have to string words together. I’ll make you better at approaching different areas of content creation, including:
- How to plan your message
- Writing well – dos and don’ts
- What you need to know if you’re writing online
- Legal issues you should be aware of
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Keeping it fresh
- Being your own editor
Tone of voice
The way we communicate with our audience is not just an opportunity to sell services and products, it’s a way to stand apart from our competitors, to show the world who we are and what we stand for. Having a well considered tone of voice enables you to show the world what you value across all your channels of communication. Establishing a tone of voice and making sure all your employees are aware of it builds consistency in your messaging, no matter who is doing the talking. Well chosen words and clear messages build confidence and trust – things we all want our customers to feel.
I can work with you to:
- establish your tone of voice
- agree and create a house style guide
- ensure everyone is on board
I have worked with a variety of brands, from international coffee chains to charitable foundations and startups. Same principles, different words.
Science and research communications
Demystifying complex science and research topics and presenting them in ways that are meaningful and inspiring for non-academic audiences can lead to greater impact and even policy change. I work with researchers in universities around the UK to help them convey their new-found insights in ways that make sense for policymakers and the public.